Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am sorry it has been a long time since I have posted. I can actually said I have been busy! I have been busy beyond all belief. I never thought that having 5 children could make the clock go FASTER. It would seem that the clock should SLOW down - since we need it to.

We begin homework at 5:00 pm. As I am doing homework, Jarett cooks the dinner. After I work with one child, he/she will then go take their shower. Then I start with the next. By the time I am on the third child, dinner is ready. So we eat dinner and then start back up. By 7:45 we are usually finished with every child. Well, you would think it is done for the night......OH NO! Then the sleeping time routine begins. Each child (sometimes 2 at once) go to brush their teeth. By the time, the two of them wrestle, play around, go to the restroom, it is 8:15. That's just 2 out of 5 children. So by 8:45-9:00 we can officially say they are all in bed. I am exhausted just writing that! So you think it stops there.....OH NO!....Now the "Stop talking" routine begins. Each set of girls are talking, then each set of boys are talking. So by 9:20 - I usually can say they are done for the night. So, see how the clock moves faster than we do. If you are considered a large family and/or you have any suggestions for our routine to make it shorter and more functional, we would love to hear it. :)


1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm no expert... at all. But her is what we do. First the kids don't have showers everyday. Just can't do it. We do 3 times a week, but everyone on Saturday to get ready for church. I say, just ignore the talking until they get accustomed to sharing rooms, so that Mom and Dad can enjoy some down time. If they really need to go to sleep, try some some of incentive/punishment system. Maybe losing TV time, or earlier bedtime the next night. Just thoughts, we are still a work in progress, though!
Remember, the first couple weeks adjusting to school are always the hardest, even without any new members of the family. So give it time!!
Good luck!