I really believe that certain people are called to adopt. I believe God places this desire on the hearts of the willing. I have always wanted to adopt and thought a lot about it, but never figured we could afford it or even do it. It's really weird as I look back from the day we started the process to now with the girls being home almost a year ago. It has been an adventure and a journey that I would love to do again.
Jennine, one of my closest friends, is in the process again with adopting a little boy. My sister just came home with her adopted son. You would think with this all around me, I would be jumping in and wanting to adopt again. In the Eban House, there were 2 children (sister and brother) that stole my heart when I was there during the second trip. I was really concerned that God placed them on heart to do something about it. But, He didn't. I thought a lot about them, but never did I feel the nudge I got with Rita and Racheal. The pull I got from the girls was very clear and strong. I haven't had that pull or nudge at all. I can honestly say that .......NO we will not be adopting again. It's not a bad thing at all. God knows our hearts and what we can handle. We are so blessed with what He has given us. I went into this adoption hoping for a daughter. I was amazed with God blessing us with 2 daughters. I look at the girls at night while they are sleeping and think, how incredible they are to join our family. They trust us and love us. All I can say.......AMAZING!
Never say never Chalene! I think that God can put children on our hearts for a variety of reasons, not only to adopt, but to advocate for them, to pray for them, to help US remember. Even though those kids weren't meant to be in your family doesn't absolutely mean that God won't call on you down the road, when again the time is right for your family.
Once upon a time I said we were absoutely done after one adoption. Then I said we were done after the second adoption. Now I'm "sure" that we'll be done after a third adoption. But that's always MY plan, not God's!
Anyway. . . I got carried away there! Thanks for the update on how you're doing. I've missed you in the blogging world.
Blessings, Heather A
Hi Chalene, checking in to see how you are doing and love your blog. I'm so thankful for your good words to me previously on the two we are adopting...R & J. We have fallen in love with them and can't wait for them to come home. If those are the "two" you mentioned...we will have to get to the camp sometime or visit when we are in the south. (My sister lives in AZ). Blessings!!! T
Hi Chalene,
We're right there with you! :) We feel very blessed to be where we are and maybe 5 is just the perfect number, right? ;) 5 is good!
Anyway, we'll have to arrange a call soon between the girls- I know our would love to talk with Rita and Racheal again. Glad to get an update on you and yours!
Never say "Never." After 10 bio. children ... and after both of us being well into our 40's ... God called us to bring home our children from Ghana. Not something we planned for ... but a blessing God surprised us with.
mama of 13
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