Friday, May 9, 2008

In About a Week

In about a week, I will be in Ghana. It is so fast. It's a good thing, except I have so much to do without sacraficing my family time. I need to grade all the papers, do report cards, close down my classroom, finish all the end of the year paper work, go grocery shopping, make lists and reminders of special events of the children, pack, and so much more. No wonder my eyes are so red. I could use prayer in this area. There is some very special paper work that needs to be done for a special cause before I leave. I have to call around to get certain medical records and boy, it is so hard to do those types of things when I am working. God has actually given me much larger blocks of time next week and that is #1 on my list.

We got our adoption decree today. It was so amazing to see the girls name typed in an offical document with our last name. I showed the children what it is going to look. It is really special. Now, it will be very special to see them face to face. I can't wait! I am sure I haven't said that enough. :0)


1 comment:

KelseyChristine said...

Yay!! Congratulations :)